From music to paterns
PulseWeb is a live audiovisualizer that uses FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) to analyse the audio spectrum and use the amplitude of different frequenties to generate a dancing shape. TriPulse, QuadPulse, PentaPulse en Hexpulse are the four base-shapes. These shapes consist of a fixed mid-point with three, four, five or six connected dots. This way Pulseweb always creates geometric patterns of which the color, size, sensitivity, fill, and many other variables can be ajusted by the user.
The original version of PulseWeb is written for Rainmeter and only avalibe on windows. PulseWeb version 3.0 is written in Javascript and avalible in the webbrowser on any system. You can try PulseWeb 3.0 here: Pulseweb 3.0
Programming language:
Rainmeter (v1.0 - v2.x )
Javascript (v3.0)
Release Date:
Februari 2016
DeviantArt (Rainmeter version)
GitHub (sourcecode) (v3.0)